European Commission has just adopted a Digital Education Action Plan with 11 initiatives to support technology-use and digital competence development in education & youth. This makes it very clear that the next funding priorities in youth projects are E-Learning & MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), however, for many organisations and their leaders this sounds new, unknown and frightening. We would like to connect the people who have some experience in the E-Learning with those just started to discover this option.
Anna Korjakina
Trainer, Life Zone, Estonia
"Digital Youth World" is a 5-days contact making seminar on the topic of education digitalisation.
8 partner organisations from Programme and Eastern Partnership countries will gather to Georgia during 08 - 14thof June, 2019 to discuss the future of their work - E-learning.
The group will not only discover opportunities how to implement the E-learning in their organisations, but also create partnerships and find partners for their next steps – creation of E-learning programmes and other digital learning-themed projects.
Other links with the objectives of the Europe 2020 growth strategy, including the headline education target are to increase young people in education, decrease unemployment through education, decrease early school leavers of the young generation and increase young people's participation in education and training. All these are long-term objectives, but we are aiming to make the first step towards them.
Kate Makogon
Trainer, CET Platforma, Serbia
We will have 5 full work and fun days!
08.06 / Welcome!
Walking around Tbilisi
Departures to the event venue
Welcome night
09.06 / Introduction and Team Building Day
Expectations. Fears. Contributions
Presentation of key competences
Ice-breaking games. Trust games
Team building activities
NGO Fair
10.06/ E-Learning Day
What is E-Learning? What is traditional learing?
Introduction to new learning online media tools
Local realities
Intercultural evening
11.06 / Digital Learning Tools Day
European Commission 2020
Brainstorming on the EC objectives
Detailed presentation of 5 E-Learning tools
TEDs Night
12.06 / Strategic Partnership Building Day
Presentation of Erasmus+ Programme
Networking. Developing new ideas. Goals for the future.
Building the project tower
Free evening in Mtskheta
13.06 / Future Cooperation Day
Final presentation of the ideas and signing provisional agreements
Evaluation of the project
"See-you-soon" party
14.06 / Departures Day
To be inspired is great, to inspire is increadible
Aims and objectives
To create an opportunity to find good and reliable partners
To understand what is needed to create E-Learning courses
To create a solid network of contacts and partnerships
To equip the youth leaders with insight into their role as coach and support
To create ideas on the future cooperation in E-Learning
To build capacities of participating organisations and improve the quality of non-formal education they provide
To promote Erasmus+ Programme and its opportunities for youth and organisations
In less than two decades E-Learning has revolutionised how we receive knowledge and improve skills, and this trend continues to grow. For youth organisations, this is a very good opportunity not only to connect with their target audiences but also to create courses which could lead to extra fundraising for offline activities.
Inese Subevica
Trainer, Youth Leaders Coalition, Latvia
Our partners
We thank our partners who have contributed to the project
Life Zone Noorteühendus
Youth Union Estonia
Youth with an International Vision
Youth association Georgia
Media Sapiens Network
Media Training Charity United Kingdom
Creative Minds
Youth NGO Armenia
CET Platforma
International Youth Network Serbia
Center for Dialogue and Reconciliation "Iskra"
Non-profit, non-governmental organisation Ukraine
Youth public association Moldova
Jaunatnes lideru koalicija
Youth Leaders Coalition Latvia
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission Erasmus+ programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.